The Meriwether Society, Inc. hosts an Annual Meeting every year and a Reunion every other year (biennial).
2009 - Montgomery, Alabama
The 25th Biennial Meriwether Society Reunion was held 25-28 June in Montgomery, Alabama. Activities included tours of the Alabama Archives and the “Old Town” historical center.
Staying at a golf resort must include golf! The hotel was surrounded by the Capitol Hill Golf Course on the award-winning Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail. Capital Hill consists of three gorgeous golf courses – the Judge, the Senator and the Legislator.
The Meriwether Society Annual Meeting was conducted Saturday morning where members elected new officers and board members. At the Saturday evening banquet, the new officers and board were sworn in and toke over the running of the Society for the next two years.
A dinner cruise on the Alabama River aboard the Harriott II took place on Friday evening, June 26th.
The Meriwether Society dinner on Saturday night, June 27th, featured the silent auction, door prizes, installation of the newly elected officers and the closing ceremony.