A Hereditary Society of the Descendants of Nicholas Meriwether (1631-1678) - "Vi et Consilio"


The Meriwether Society, Inc. hosts an Annual Board Meeting every year and a Reunion every other year (biennial).

Upcoming Schedule

The Meriwether Society, Inc. hosts an Annual Meeting every year and a Reunion every other year (biennial).

The Meriwether Society Annual Board Meeting is being held in Richmond, Virginia, June 21-22, 2024.  A full Annual Board Meeting and Reunion will be held in 2025.

Reunions in odd years alternate between a location in Virginia and a location elsewhere that shares some relationship to the Meriwether family. Refer to your Meriwether Connections newsletter for more complete details and registration information.

In even years, the Annual Meeting is typically held where members who wish to participate can perform family research.  These meetings are usually held somewhere like Salt Lake City, Utah; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Atlanta, Georgia; Richmond, Virginia, or some other research destination.

Reunion Videos

Videos of many of the previous Annual Meetings and Reunions are available on the Meriwether Store. These are great ways to remember your visits or to give as gifts to family members unable to attend.

Past Reunions and Meetings

2024 – Richmond, Virginia #41

2023 – Louisville, Kentucky #40
2022 – Zoom because of Coronavirus #39
2021 – Zoom because of Coronavirus #38
2020 – Zoom because of Coronavirus #37
2019 – Williamsburg, Virginia #36
2018 – Fort Wayne, Indiana #35
2017 – Nashville, Tennessee #34
2016 – San Antonio, Texas #33
2015 – Charlottesville, Virginia #32
2014 – Salt Lake City, Utah #31
2013 – Memphis, Tennessee #30
2012 – Salt Lake City, Utah #29
2011 – Alexandria, Virginia #28
2010 – Alexandria, Virginia #27
2009 – Montgomery, Alabama #26
2008 – Montgomery, Alabama #25
2007 – Williamsburg, Virginia #24
2006 – Williamsburg, Virginia #23
2005 – Saint Louis, Missouri #22
2004 – Saint Louis, Missouri #21
2003 – Charlottesville, Virginia #20
2002 – Charlottesville, Virginia #19
2001 – Louisville, Kentucky #18
2000 – Louisville, Kentucky #17
1999 – Williamsburg, Virginia #16
1998 – Williamsburg, Virginia #15
1997 – Nashville, Tennessee #14
1996 – Nashville, Tennessee #13
1995 – Richmond, Virginia #12
1994 – Richmond, Virginia #11
1993 – Memphis, Tennessee #10
1992 – Memphis, Tennessee #9
1991 – Washington, D.C. #8
1990 – Washington, D.C. #7
1989 – Atlanta, Georgia #6
1987 – Louisville, Kentucky #5
1985 – Richmond, Virginia #4
1983 – Montgomery, Alabama #3
1981 – Williamsburg, Virginia #2
1979 – Williamsburg, Virginia #1